Studi scientifici sull'Aloe Arborescens
Studi degli effetti dell'aloe gel
sulle ferite
The wound-healing effect of a glycoprotein
fraction isolated from aloe vera.
Choi SW, Son BW, Son YS, Park YI, Lee SK, Chung MH. Department of
Pharmacology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul 110-799,
BACKGROUND: Aloe vera has been used as a family medicine for promoting wound
healing, but it is not known which component of the plant is effective for this
purpose. OBJECTIVES: To isolate and characterize the component effective in
wound healing. METHODS: Chromatography, electrophoresis and spectroscopic
methods were used. The cell-proliferation activity of each component isolated
was measured by a [3H]thymidine uptake assay. The cell-proliferation activity of
the effective component was tested on a three-dimensional raft culture (cell
culture technique by which artificial epidermis is made from keratinocytes). The
effect of the active component on cell migration and wound healing was observed
on a monolayer of human keratinocytes and in hairless mice. RESULTS: A
glycoprotein fraction was isolated and named G1G1M1DI2. It showed a single band
on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with an apparent
molecular weight of about 5.5 kDa. It exhibited significant [3H]thymidine uptake
in squamous cell carcinoma cells. The effect of G1G1M1DI2 on cell migration was
confirmed by accelerated wound healing on a monolayer of human keratinocytes.
When this fraction was tested on a raft culture, it stimulated the formation of
epidermal tissue. Furthermore, proliferation markers (epidermal growth factor
receptor, fibronectin receptor, fibronectin, keratin 5/14 and keratin 1/10) were
markedly expressed at the immunohistochemical level. The glycoprotein fraction
enhanced wound healing in hairless mice by day 8 after injury, with significant
cell proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: It is considered that this glycoprotein
fraction is involved in the wound-healing effect of aloe vera via cell
proliferation and migration. PMID: 11703278
Therapeutic effects of Aloe
vera on cutaneous microcirculation and wound healing in second degree burn model
in rats.
Somboonwong J, Thanamittramanee S, Jariyapongskul A, Patumraj S.
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the microcirculatory and wound healing effects of Aloe
vera on induced second degree burn wounds in rats. METHOD: A total of 48 male
Wistar rats were equally divided into 4 groups as follows: sham controls,
untreated burn-wound rats, those treated with once-daily application of normal
saline (NSS) and those treated with once-daily application of lyophilized Aloe
vera gel. The animals in each group were equally subdivided into 2 subgroups for
the study of cutaneous microcirculation and wound healing on day 7 and 14 after
burn. Dorsal skinfold chamber preparation and intravital fluorescence
microscopic technique were performed to examine dermal microvascular changes,
including arteriolar diameter, postcapillary venular permeability and leukocyte
adhesion on postcapillary venules. RESULTS: On day 7, the vasodilation and
increased postcapillary venular permeability as encountered in the untreated
burn were found to be reduced significantly (p < 0.05) in both the NSS- and Aloe
vera-treated groups, but to a greater extent in the latter. Leukocyte adhesion
was not different among the untreated, NSS- and Aloe vera-treated groups. On day
14, vasoconstriction occurred after the wound had been left untreated. Only in
the Aloe vera-treated groups, was arteriolar diameter increased up to normal
condition and postcapillary venular permeability was not different from the sham
controls. The amount of leukocyte adhesion was also less observed compared to
the untreated and NSS- treated groups. Besides, the healing area of the Aloe
vera-treated wound was better than that of the untreated and NSS- treated groups
during 7 and 14 days after burn. CONCLUSION: Aloe vera could exhibit the actions
of both anti-inflammation and wound healing promotion when applied on a second
degree burn wound. PMID: 10808702
Influence of Aloe vera on
collagen turnover in healing of dermal wounds in rats.
Chithra P, Sajithlal GB, Chandrakasan G. Department of Biochemistry,
Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai, India.
Treatment of full-thickness wounds with A. vera, on rats resulted in increased
biosynthesis of collagen and its degradation. A corresponding increase in the
urinary excretion of hydroxyproline was also observed. Elevated levels of lysyl
oxidase also indicated increased crosslinking of newly synthesised collagen. The
results suggest that A. vera influences the wound healing process by enhancing
collagen turnover in the wound tissue. PMID: 9854430
Influence of Aloe vera on
collagen characteristics in healing dermal wounds in rats.
Chithra P, Sajithlal GB, Chandrakasan G. Department of Biochemistry,
Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Madras, India.
Wound healing is a fundamental response to tissue injury that results in
restoration of tissue integrity. This end is achieved mainly by the synthesis of
the connective tissue matrix. Collagen is the major protein of the extracellular
matrix, and is the component which ultimately contributes to wound strength. In
this work, we report the influence of Aloe vera on the collagen content and its
characteristics in a healing wound. It was observed that Aloe vera increased the
collagen content of the granulation tissue as well as its degree of crosslinking
as seen by increased aldehyde content and decreased acid solubility. The type I/type
III collagen ratio of treated groups were lower than that of the untreated
controls, indicating enhanced levels of type III collagen. Wounds were treated
either by topical application or oral administration of Aloe vera to rats and
both treatments were found to result in similar effects. PMID: 9562243
Influence of aloe vera on the
healing of dermal wounds in diabetic rats.
Chithra P, Sajithlal GB, Chandrakasan G. Department of Biochemistry,
Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai, India.
The positive influence of Aloe vera, a tropical cactus, on the healing of
full-thickness wounds in diabetic rats is reported. Full-thickness excision/incision
wounds were created on the back of rats, and treated either by topical
application on the wound surface or by oral administration of the Aloe vera gel
to the rat. Wound granulation tissues were removed on various days and the
collagen, hexosamine, total protein and DNA contents were determined, in
addition to the rates of wound contraction and period of epithelialization.
Measurements of tensile strength were made on treated/untreated incision wounds.
The results indicated that Aloe vera treatment of wounds in diabetic rats may
enhance the process of wound healing by influencing phases such as inflammation,
fibroplasia, collagen synthesis and maturation, and wound contraction. These
effects may be due to the reported hypoglycemic effects of the aloe gel. PMID:
Influence of Aloe vera on the
glycosaminoglycans in the matrix of healing dermal wounds in rats.
Chithra P, Sajithlal GB, Chandrakasan G. Department of Biochemistry,
Central Leather Research Institute, Madras, India.
The influence of Aloe vera (L.) Burman f. on the glycosaminoglycan (GAG)
components of the matrix in a healing wound was studied. Wound healing is a
dynamic and complex sequence of events of which the major one is the synthesis
of extracellular matrix components. The early stage of wound healing is
characterized by the laying down of a provisional matrix, which is then followed
by the formation of granulation tissue and synthesis of collagen and elastin.
The provisional matrix or the ground substance consists of GAGs and
proteoglycans (PGs), which are protein GAG conjugates. In the present work, we
have studied the influence of Aloe vera on the content of GAG and its types in
the granulation tissue of healing wounds. We have also reported the levels of a
few enzymes involved in matrix metabolism. The amount of ground substance
synthesized was found to be higher in the treated wounds, and in particular,
hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulphate levels were increased. The levels of the
reported glycohydrolases were elevated on treatment with Aloe vera, indicating
increased turnover of the matrix. Both topical and oral treatments with Aloe
vera were found to have a positive influence on the synthesis of GAGs and
thereby beneficially modulate wound healing. PMID: 9507902
Effect of the combination of
Aloe vera, nitroglycerin, and L-NAME on wound healing in the rat excisional
Heggers JP, Elzaim H, Garfield R, Goodheart R, Listengarten D, Zhao J,
Phillips LG. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA.
PURPOSE: Many systemic and topical therapeutic agents such as growth hormone,
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), epidermal
growth factor (EGF), and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) have been used as
vulnerary agents. However, the role of nitric oxide (NO) as a wound-healing
stimulant has been received with mixed reviews. NO is a potent vasodilator that
is thought to be an endothelium-dependent relaxing factor, and a regulator of
blood pressure and regional blood flow. It affects vascular smooth muscle
proliferation and inhibits platelet aggregation and leukocyte adhesion.
Therefore we compared the effects of several topical substances that have
similar or reverse properties. METHODS: Using the excisional rat wound model, we
evaluated the topical effects of Dermaide Aloe (D-Aloe, Dermaide Research Corp,
Palos Heights, IL), nitroglycerin, Aquaphor (Beuersdorf, Inc., Norwalk, CT)
alone, with D-Aloe with nitroglycerin, 2%, and L-NAME (NO inhibitor) with
Aquaphor, and L-NAME with Aquaphor and D-Aloe for a 21-day period. All wounds
were measured by planimetry at 1, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, and 21 days. RESULTS: At
day 1, all wounds had an average wound size of 2.27 cm2 (SD +/- 0.372) with no
significant difference in wound size among the groups. Topically applied D-Aloe
appeared to promote wound healing faster than the remaining other topicals (p <
.05, Student-Newman-Keuls and Dunn's Method) over the study period. However,
topicals combined with D-Aloe, the vehicle Aquaphor, and L-NAME improved the
wound healing process when compared with nitroglycerin alone (p < .05).
CONCLUSIONS: D-Aloe appears to have a wound-healing advancement factor that can
reverse the effects of petrolatum- and nitroglycerin-based products as observed
in the remaining groups when compared with nitroglycerin alone. It appears that
D-Aloe's effect of preventing dermal ischemia by reversing the effects of
thromboxane synthetase (TxA2) may act synergistically with NO or could be an
oxygen radical scavenger. PMID: 9395704
Beneficial effect of Aloe on
wound healing in an excisional wound model.
Heggers JP, Kucukcelebi A, Listengarten D, Stabenau J, Ko F, Broemeling LD,
Robson MC, Winters WD. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA.
Recent evidence from in vitro and in vivo experiments suggests that topical
antimicrobials may be toxic to fibroblasts and keratinocytes and retard wound
healing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Aloe, a
potential wound-healing agent, on wound contraction in excisional wounds treated
with topical antimicrobials. Sprague-Dawley rats were prepared with four 1.5 cm2
dorsal defects through the skin and panniculus. The animals were divided into
five groups (n = 10 per group): (1) Aloe, (2) NaOCl solution (0.025%), (3)
mafenide acetate, (4) mafenide acetate + Aloe, and (5) control. Wounds were
treated topically for 14 days 3 times a day. Serial standard photographs and
serial wound planimetry were performed weekly. Following healing, the breaking
strength of each resultant scar was determined using an Instron tensiometer.
Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA, and multiple comparison methods were used for data
analysis. Aloe and NaOCl solution significantly accelerated wound contraction (p
< 0.05). In the mafenide acetate + Aloe group, contraction was similar to the
control, whereas the mafenide acetate alone retarded wound healing. The addition
of Aloe in combination and alone in wounds increased the breaking energy when
compared to controls (p < 0.05). Aloe appears to expedite wound contraction and
neutralize the wound retardant effect seen with the topical mafenide acetate
alone. This effect appears to be due to an increased collagen activity, which is
enhanced by a lectin, consequently improving the collagen matrix and enhancing
the breaking strength. PMID: 9395659
Isolation and characterization
of the glycoprotein fraction with a proliferation-promoting activity on human
and hamster cells in vitro from Aloe vera gel.
Yagi A, Egusa T, Arase M, Tanabe M, Tsuji H. Faculty of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University, Hiroshima, Japan.
Fractions of leaf gel from Aloe barbadensis Mill. were prepared by gel
permeation using DEAE Sephadex A-25, Sepharose 6B, and Sephadex G-50 columns.
These were then tested by in vitro assays for proliferation of human normal
dermal and baby hamster kidney cells. The glycoprotein fraction promoted cell
growth, while the neutral polysaccharide fraction did not show any growth
stimulation. Moreover, the polar-colored glycoprotein fraction strongly
inhibited the in vitro assays. An active glycoprotein fraction (protein 82%,
carbohydrate 11%) examined on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and
SDS-PAGE showed a single band. Its molecular weight was 29 kD on a Sephadex G-50
column and its isoelectric point was pH 6.8. Immunoblotting after SDS-PAGE
showed that the glycoprotein was composed of two subunits (14 kD).
Deglycosylation of glycoprotein (Pg21-2b fraction) by trifluoromethanesulphonic
acid provided a protein band with a molecular weight of 13 kD on SDS-PAGE. The
colored glycoprotein fraction was shown on SDS-PAGE to be a mixture with a
molecular weight of 18 kD-15 kD. It was later hydrolyzed with 10% H2SO4 to
produce phenolic substances. PMID: 9063091
Hematopoietic augmentation by
a beta-(1,4)-linked mannan.
Egger SF, Brown GS, Kelsey LS, Yates KM, Rosenberg LJ, Talmadge JE.
Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center,
Omaha 68198-5660, USA.
CARN 750 (injectable acemannan) is a polydispersed beta-(1,4)-linked acetylated
mannan isolated from the Aloe barbadensis plant. It has multiple therapeutic
properties including activity in wound repair and as a biological agent for the
treatment of neoplasia in animals as well as the ability to activate macrophages.
We report herein that CARN 750 directly or indirectly has significant
hematoaugmenting properties. We observed that the subcutaneous administration of
CARN 750 significantly increases splenic and peripheral blood cellularity, as
well as hematopoietic progenitors in the spleen and bone marrow as determined by
the interleukin-3-responsive colony-forming unit culture assay and the
high-proliferative-potential colony-forming-cell (HPP-CFC) assay (a measure of
primitive hematopoietic precursors) in myelosuppressed (7 Gy) C57BL/6 mice. The
greatest hematopoietic effect was observed following sublethal irradiation in
mice receiving 1 mg CARN 750/ animal, with less activity observed at higher or
lower doses. Further, CARN 750, following daily injection, has activity equal to
or greater than the injection of an optimal dose of
granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in myelosuppressed mice. In this
comparison, significantly greater activity was observed in the splenic and
peripheral blood cellularity, and in the frequency and absolute number of
splenic HPP-CFC as compared to the mice receiving G-CSF at 3 micrograms/animal.
CARN 750, when administered to myelosuppressed animals, decreased the frequency
of lymphocytes with a concomitant significant increase in the frequency of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). However, owing to the increased cellularity,
a significant increase in the absolute number of PMN, lymphocytes, monocytes and
platelets was observed, suggesting activity on multiple cell lineages. The
latter is the primary difference in activity as compared to G-CSF which has
activity predominantly on PMN. PMID: 9003464
Studies on optimal dose and
administration schedule of a hematopoietic stimulatory beta-(1,4)-linked mannan.
Egger SF, Brown GS, Kelsey LS, Yates KM, Rosenberg LJ, Talmadge JE.
Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center,
Omaha 68198-5660, USA.
Several complex carbohydrates have been found to significantly stimulate
hematopoiesis. CARN 750, a polydispersed beta-(1,4)-linked acetylated mannan
isolated from the Aloe vera plant, has been shown to have activity in wound
repair, to function as a antineoplastic, and to activate macrophages. We report,
herein, the hematoaugmenting properties of CARN 750 and its optimal dose and
timing of administration in an animal model of irradiation-induced
myelosuppression. We observed that subcutaneous injections of 1 mg/animal of
CARN 750 had equal or greater stimulatory activity for white blood cell (WBC)
counts and spleen cellularity as well as on the absolute numbers of neutrophils,
lymphocytes, monocytes and platelets than did higher or lower doses of CARN 750
or an optimal dose of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF).
Hematopoietic progenitors, measured as interleukin-3-supported colony forming
units-culture (CFU-C) and high proliferative potential colony-forming cells (HPP-CFC)
assays, were similarly increased by CARN 750 in the spleen but not in the bone
marrow. The frequency of splenic HPP-CFCs and absolute number of splenic
HPP-CFCs and CFU-Cs were optimally increased by 1 mg/animal of CARN 750. In
contrast, bone marrow cellularity, frequency and absolute number of HPP-CFCs and
CFU-Cs had as a dosage optimum 2 mg/animal of CARN 750. These parameters were
similarly increased by G-CSF. In studies to determine the optimal protocol for
the administration of CARN 750 we found that the hematopoietic activity of CARN
750 increased with the frequency of administration. The greatest activity in
myelosuppressed mice was observed for all hematopoietic parameters except the
platelet number in mice receiving daily administration of 1 mg/animal of CARN
750 with activity equal to or greater than G-CSF. PMID: 8799361
Effect of aloe vera gel to
healing of burn wound a clinical and histologic study.
Visuthikosol V, Chowchuen B, Sukwanarat Y, Sriurairatana S, Boonpucknavig V.
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol
University, Bangkok, Thailand.
In a study of twenty-seven patients with partial thickness burn wound, they were
treated with aloe vera gel compared with vaseline gauze. It revealed the aloe
vera gel treated lesion healed faster than the vaseline gauze area. The average
time of healing in the aloe gel area was 11.89 days and 18.19 days for the
vaseline gauze treated wound. Statistical analysis by using t-test and the value
of P < 0.002 was statistically significant. In histologic study, it showed early
epithelialization in the treated aloe vera gel area. Only some minor adverse
effects, such as discomfort and pain were encountered in the 27 cases. This
study showed the effectiveness of aloe vera gel on a partial thickness burn
wound, and it might be beneficial to do further trials on burn wounds. PMID:
Treatment of
experimental frostbite with pentoxifylline and aloe vera cream.
Miller MB, Koltai PJ. Division of Otolaryngology, Albany (NY) Medical
College, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the therapeutic effects of systemic pentoxifylline and
topical aloe vera cream in the treatment of frostbite. DESIGN: The frostbitten
ears of 10 New Zealand white rabbits were assigned to one of four treatment
groups: untreated controls, those treated with aloe vera cream, those treated
with pentoxifylline, and those treated with aloe vera cream and pentoxifylline.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Tissue survival was calculated as the percent of total
frostbite area that remained after 2 weeks. RESULTS: The control group had a 6%
tissue survival. Tissue survival was notably improved with pentoxifylline (20%),
better with aloe vera cream (24%), and the best with the combination therapy
(30%). CONCLUSION: Pentoxifylline is as effective as aloe vera cream in
improving tissue survival after frostbite injury. PMID:
Aloe vera, hydrocortisone, and
sterol influence on wound tensile strength and anti-inflammation.
Davis RH, DiDonato JJ, Johnson RW, Stewart CB. Pennsylvania College of
Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia.
Aloe vera at doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg daily for 4 days blocked the wound
healing suppression of hydrocortisone acetate up to 100% using the wound tensile
strength assay. This response was because of the growth factors present in A.
vera masking the wound healing inhibitors such as sterols and certain amino
acids. The sterols showed good anti-inflammatory activity (-36%) in reducing the
croton oil-induced ear swelling. This activity displayed a dose-response
relationship. PMID: 7853156
Anti-inflammatory and wound
healing activity of a growth substance in Aloe vera.
Davis RH, Donato JJ, Hartman GM, Haas RC. Department of Biomedical
Sciences, Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia.
Aloe vera improves wound healing and inhibits inflammation. Since
mannose-6-phosphate is the major sugar in the Aloe gel, the authors examined the
possibility of its being an active growth substance. Mice receiving 300 mg/kg of
mannose-6-phosphate had improved wound healing over saline controls. This dose
also had anti-inflammatory activity. PMID: 8169808
Studi sugli effetti dell'aloe sulle
ferite sui muscoli
Effect of aloe-emodin on expression of
proliferating cell nuclear antigen of vascular smooth muscle cells in culture
after arterial injury.
Xu C, Yin C, Wang S. Department of Cardiology, People's Hospital, Beijing
Medical University, Beijing 100044, China.
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of aloe-emodin on the expression of
proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) after
arterial injury and study the molecular mechanism of inhibition of aloe-emodin
on SMC proliferation. METHODS: Deendothelialization was performed at the
abdominal aorta in Japanese white rabbits using a 3F Fogarty arterial
embolectomy catheter. 48 hours later, the medium of abdominal aorta was isolated
and primary SMCs culture was performed. Cells were synchronized to G0 by serum
starvation, then aloe-emodin at a concentration of 20 micrograms/ml was added to
the culture medium containing 10% [v/v] fetal calf serum. Vehicle was also added
to the medium as a control. After 18 hours, the expression of PCNA at the level
of mRNA and protein were examined using techniques of RT/PCR, Western blotting
and inmmunocytochemistry respectively. RESULTS: Compared with the control group,
the expression of PCNA mRNA and protein was prominently decreased after addition
of aloe-emodin. CONCLUSION: The inhibition of aloe-emodin on SMCs proliferation
may be caused by inhibiting the expression of the PCNA gene. PMID: 11780429
Effect of aloe-emodin on proliferation of
vascular smooth muscle cells after arterial injury
Yin C, Xu C. People's
Hospital, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100044.
OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of Aloe-emodin (AE), an active ingredient of
Rhubarb, on the kinetics of proliferation of smooth muscular cells (SMCs)
cultured in vitro after rabbit iliac arterial injury. METHODS: Forty-eight hours
after de-endothelialization (balloon endothelial denudation), the iliac arteries
of the Japanese white rabbits were isolated and the smooth muscle cells were
cultured primarily. AE was added to culture medium containing 10% fetal calf
serum (FCS). The cultures were pulse-labeled with 3H-TdR and TdR uptake into
VSMC were measured and the cell cycle of the cultures were analyzed by using
flow cytometer. RESULTS: Compared with control, when the concentration gradient
ranged from 10(-1) to 10(-5) g/L, the amount (cpm, count per minute) of 3H-TdR
uptake into SMCs has significant differences (P < 0.05) and 10(-1) and 10(-2)
g/L AE showed strong inhibitory effects on TdR uptake into VSMC and the
percentage of inhibition [% inhibition = (cpm without AE - cpm with AE)/cpm
without AE x 100%] was more than 90%. AE displayed concentration dependent
inhibitory effects. The percentage of cells in G0/G1 phase was increased, but
the percentage of cells in S phase was decreased in AE group, the transition of
SMC cycle phase from G0 to S was blocked. CONCLUSIONS: AE is a strong inhibitor
to the proliferation of SMCs and the pharmacological action of AE might reduce
SMC proliferation in vivo and decrease intimal hyperplasia of restenosis. PMID:
Aloe vera and the inflamed synovial pouch
Davis RH, Stewart GJ, Bregman PJ.
Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia.
Administration of air under the skin produced
a pouch wall that closely resembled a synovium in that the inner lining was made
up of macrophages and fibroblasts. Administration of 1% carrageenan directly
into the 7-day-old air pouch produced an inflammation characterized by an
increased number of mast cells in pouch fluid as well as an increase in wall
vascularity. A punch biopsy weight of the pouch wall did not reveal an increase
in 1% carrageenan-treated animals. However, a 10% Aloe vera treatment of
carrageenan-inflamed synovial pouches reduced the vascularity 50% and the number
of mast cells in synovial fluid 48%. The pouch wall punch biopsy weight was
increased by A. vera, which was verified by histologic examination of the inner
synovial lining. Aloe vera stimulated the synovial-like membrane, as evidenced
by an increased number of fibroblasts, suggesting that A. vera stimulated
fibroblasts for growth and repair of the synovial model. The synovial air pouch
can be used to study simultaneously the acute anti-inflammatory and fibroblast
stimulating activities of A. vera. PMID: 1578350